Rachel mason burger


I was born in England, in the Cotswolds. I grew up in Shropshire, Paraguay, and Germany. I have lived in New England since 1969, first in Massachusetts now in Maine. I have two grown sons and a young daughter from China. I experience New England as subtle with an austere simplicity.

I'm known as a political artist. Between 1973 and 1980, I contributed extensively to Community Press Features, which was a nationally distributed graphic service to low income, self-help community groups. During this time, I did pen and ink and scraper board drawings of the less-seen people - children, women, people of colour. When Reagan cut our funding, I began doing full-time shelter work but continued to draw.

Since 1992, I've been a full-time painter, mostly watercolours and pastels. I'm attracted to subjects around me. I delight in seeing beauty in the everyday. I often do house portraits in my neighborhood. I teach small classes in watercolour, pastels, and drawing, which I enjoy enormously.

SEE ALL OF rachel’s WORK


Peter Yesis


Rosanne Stavola